Message from our Executive Director

In 2023, CELF proudly celebrated twenty years ​of service in pursuit of sustainability as an ​integral part of every child’s K-12 learning ​experience. This major milestone serves as an ​opportunity to reflect on our proudest ​accomplishments over the years, from training ​the first cohort of School Sustainability ​Coordinators in NYC with the Clinton Global ​Initiative in 2012-15 - an initiative that has since ​expanded to every school in the nation’s ​largest district, to expanding to Houston in ​2019 where we’ve so far reached over 1,000 ​educators and 30,000 students.

This milestone also offers an opportunity to re-​envision what our mission means for the years ​ahead. In 2023, the school communities we ​served across New York, Texas, and California ​experienced environmental and climate ​hazards ranging from air quality emergencies ​from wildfire smoke and record heat waves, to ​flooding and water contamination.

Teachers stewarded their students through ​these environmental challenges and the ​anxieties that come with them against a ​backdrop of continued teacher shortages and ​increasing demands. As we witness the ​incredible resilience of the teachers and school ​leaders we work with, we also recognize the ​unmet needs that must be addressed to ​effectively support under-resourced schools.

These lessons inspired CELF’s efforts in 2023

to provide more direct teacher resources and ​flexible programming options. In 2023, we ​offered our inaugural round of microgrants to ​support 38 teacher projects in New York, ​Texas, New Jersey, and Maryland, exploring ​issues ranging from air quality and water ​pollution to school food waste and climate ​resilient buildings.

As we look ahead to the next twenty years, our ​team is filled with hope and immense gratitude ​for the support of our committed partners and ​supporters, and the tenacity of our community ​of teachers and student leaders.

Tara Stafford Ocansey

Executive Director


CELF is establishing sustainability as an ​integral part of every child’s K-12 learning ​experience.



Continuous ​Learning


Diverse ​Perspectives


Resilience and ​Tenacity

Commitment to Environmental ​Sustainability and Systems Thinking

Communities We Served


Educators & ​Administrators

Engaged via professional ​learning workshops, Summer ​Institute programs and ​classroom support services, a ​32% increase from 2021.



Reached by CELF programs—via ​their teachers who've participated ​in our workshops, field ​experiences, Green Careers ​sessions, and the Student ​Symposium.


Title 1 Schools

Participated in CELF programming ​in 2023 and are currently ​designated to receive financial ​assistance from the federal ​government to help ensure students ​meet state academic standards. Up ​from 69% in 2022

Our Civic ​Science ​program ​engaged ​participants ​from 10 ​different ​states

New York


New Jersey








Our Programs

Summer Institute

Civic Science

Green Careers

Field Experiences

Student Symposium

Summer Institutes

Innovative and Energizing Professional Learning for K-12 Educators

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K-12 students engaged by 60 educator participants

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Lone Star College-Kingwood

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University of Houston-Clear Lake

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Center for the Urban River at Beczak

Lone Star College-​Kingwood

University of ​Houston-Clear Lake


TX School Districts ​represented


Community ​Partners Engaged

Center for the Urban River at Beczak

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NY School Districts ​represented

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CELF’s 2nd annual Summer Institute at the Lone Star College-Kingwood campus was co-hosted by Dr. Brian Shmaefsky, Professor of Biology and Environmental Science. Participating teachers explored CELF’s Big Ideas of Sustainability, visited a plastic pollution and water art exhibit, and explored the program offerings of CELF’s community of environmental education partners.

Pre-service teachers in the UHCL Teach program ​joined CELF at UHCL for a three-day exploration of ​Civic Science as part of their preparation to enter ​the teaching force as middle and high school ​teachers. As a Hispanic Serving Institution, our work ​with UHCL is helping to cultivate a teaching force ​that better aligns to the demographics of Greater ​Houston’s student population.

This two-day event took place alongside the beautiful banks of the Hudson River, with participating teachers exploring how the region is being impacted by climate change through river data analysis activities and an immersive seining experience guided by educators from the Sarah Lawrence College: Center for the Urban River at Beczak.

Transparent White Gradient

This was an extremely powerful learning experience. I was engaged ​throughout and learned so much. This is truly one of the most ​transformative PD experiences”

Sonya, White Plains Public Schools

Green Careers

Connecting classrooms with industry professionals to explore ​sustainability and systems thinking in students' career planning

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Green Career ​Events

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Stone Barns Center ​for Food and ​Agriculture

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Lantrip Elementary ​School HISD

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Wharton Dual ​Language Academy ​HISD

Green Careers



From our partner organizations

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Civic Science

Hands-on learning to identify, analyze, and solve environmental and climate justice ​issues that impact their schools, neighborhoods, and beyond

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165 teachers trained across 8 states, reaching 5,000+ K-12 students

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Ongoing Support

Virtual Training Series

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Virtual Training Series

Ongoing Support


Educators engaged


Schools supported


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in Microgrants funded

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Following from our summer our programming, ​CELF held a virtual Civic Science kick-off on ​October 12th to introduce teachers to the Inquiry to ​Action framework and program goals and ​resources. Subsequent sessions guided teacher ​participants through the steps of the framework ad ​teachers applied their learning by implementing ​inquiry projects with their students.

As teachers implemented their projects, CELF ​provided virtual office hours as well as on campus ​site visits to support teachers with their process ​through co-teaching and observation activities.

During 2024, CELF implemented our inaugural ​round of 38 microgrants distributed to ​participating teachers to support student ​projects, with funds used to procure data ​collection tools like air quality monitors, support ​school garden initiatives, and secure school bus ​transportation for field trips.

Transparent White Gradient

“The CELF sessions throughout the school year were invaluable in keeping ​our project on track and focused. With the many demands on teachers, ​having check-ins and support ensured that I effectively integrated ​environmental learning and stewardship into my teaching.”

Jeanne Salchli, NYC Public Schools

Student Symposium

Culminating event for students to present their Civic Science findings and action steps to an authentic audience of community leaders and decision-makers

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Civic Science projects presented by 71 students from 12 schools in NY, TX, and Ghana

Student Symposium

Culminating event for students to present their Civic Science findings and action steps to an authentic audience of community leaders and decision-makers




Middle & High School ​Students

Student-driven Projects




Title 1 Schools

Engaged in CELF's Civic ​Science Programming

Presented by 38 students across ​Civic Science pathways

Represented across 5 ​Texas districts

In the 2022–2023

Civic Science cohort

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“Addressing air pollution and the disparities of ​its impacts in different communities—and ​having the drivers of this project be fifth ​grade students—will forever stay with me”

—Carmen Glenn, City School District of New Rochelle

Field Experiences

CELF Field Experiences provide teachers and students with the opportunity ​to engage in place-based learning through a lens of sustainability

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Educators and students engaged in green spaces

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CELF in the Field

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Green Experiences

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Partner Engagement

CELF in the Field

Green Experiences


Educators Engaged


Students Directly Engaged

Partner Engagement

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Partners Engaged

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CELF in the Field events engage participants in ​outdoor experiential learning, with CELF Educators ​and partnering field experts modeling inquiry ​activities that participating teachers can bring back ​to their classrooms.

In 2023, CELF held field events for teachers at ​Teatown Lake Reservation, the Center for the ​Urban River at Bezsak in New York, and Mill River ​Park in Connecticut.

CELF supports educators by coordinating ​meaningful, inquiry-driven outdoor learning ​opportunities for their students, and co-facilitating ​these experiences together with teachers and other ​field experts, drawing connections back to ongoing ​classroom practice and student project work.

In 2023, Green Experiences included a field trip to ​the Port of Houston Ship Channel boat tour for ​collection of air quality data with Channelview High ​School, and visits by Lantrip Elementary students to ​Jesse Jones Park for water quality testing, and to a ​materials recovery facility to learn about recycling.

All of CELF’s field-based programs rely on our ​valued partnerships. In 2023, partners with ​which CELF collaborated to implement field ​programs included Galveston Bay Foundation, ​Engie, Teatown Lake Reservation, the Center for ​the Urban River at Bezsak, Mill River Park, and ​Jesse Jones Park.

FY 2023 Financials

Statement of Activities:

January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023

Revenue & Support

Contributions & grants



Program Income

Total Revenue & Support



Program Services

Summer Institute


Civic Science


Professional development

& training


Total program services


Change in net assets


Net assets, beginning of year


Support Services

Net assets, end of year


General & administrative




Total support services


Total expenses


FY 2023 Financials

Statement of Activities: January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023







Expenses by Department

Programs: $587,354

General & Administrative: $84,725

Fundraising: $97,855

Investments by Program

Professional Development*: $298,327

Summer Institute: $39,876

Civic Science: 249,151

Professional Development category includes allocations to ​curriculum development, Green Careers, and CELF in the Field

Summer ​Institute


Profesional ​Development




Donor Spotlight:

Tricon Energy is a CELF and Tricon first initiated our partnership in 2022, ​focused on supporting Greater Houston schools to embed sustainability and ​civic science practices across core curriculum,with opportunities to connect ​with learners in new York and Ghana to exchange data findings and action ​steps.

Since then, our scope has focused in on supporting schools and districts to ​pursue zero-waste solutions. In 2023, Tricon supported CELF to help drive ​forward a zero-waste pilot program in the Houston Independent School ​District by engaging pilot teachers in integrating sustainability and zero-​waste themes into their classroom practice through action projects.

Looking ahead to 2024, Tricon is working with CELF to scale-up the zero-​waste work, including through a Zero-Waste Summit in June 2024, and ​CELF’s annual HTX Summer Institute.


Sustainability ​Champions

Cassandra Clark

Community Foundation of North Central Massachusettes

Crestwood Equity Partners

EDP Renewables NA

First Reserve

Fluor Foundation

Linde PLC

Mark Gallogly & Elizabeth Strickler

National Academies of Science, Medicine, and Engineering

National Geographic Society

Neuberger Berman


TC USA Services Inc.

Ten Strands

The Bear Factory

Tides Foundation

Tricon Energy, LTD

University of Houston Clearlake

Van Evera Foundation


Lawrence & Maureen Atinsky

Con Edison

William Davis

J.P. Morgan

Evan Matzen

Dean Slocum

David Stubbs


Maureen Burgess

Civics Unplugged

Climate Ride

Nick Gutfreund and Mary Duncan

Janet Harckham

Daniel Metzger

Port Houston




Gregory Cecere

Kate & Scott DePetris

Nicholas Finn

Robert Foley

Fuji Film

Katie & Peter Ginsberg

Margot & Stephen Holland

Charlie & Machiko Kimball

Nancy Kralik

Liberty HIll Foundation

Jessica Mendelowitz

Liz & Tom Murley

Patrick Pagni

Sarah Paiji Yoo

Phil Abelson

Margaret Davis

Olivia & John Farr

Karina Franke

Leventhal Family Foundation

Pallavi & Vik Mehta


Kyle Balkissoon

Steven Berkenfeld

Nicholas Cassin

Thecla Chomicz

Sarah Cove

Alissa Fasman

Joanne Howard


Diane Quandt

Laura Steinberger & Andrew Goodwillie

Jocelyn Stevenson

William & Barbara Von Klemperer

Jim & Anne Wagner

Cara Younger


Up to $200

Alyce Aldige

Christiaan Beeuwkes

Patrice Bressman

John & Crystal Bria

Yildiz Chambers

Lynne Cherry

Benjamin Clammer

Audra Clark

Andrea Coe

Avi Deutsch

Gregory Diamond

Lu Doyle

Cindy Duriscoe

Venera Emmi

Betsy Franco Feeney

Dean Gallea

Santo & Helen Garufi

Jennie Gordon

Roberta Gordon

Alyssa Greenspan

Russell Gross

Anthony Guadamuz

Judy Hatch

Darron Hixson

Carol Hurford

Stephanie & David Kaback

Neil Kiely

Kaitlin Lambert

Sally Large

Enrique Lastra

Robert Levin

Louise Liffrig

Lawrence & Ivy LoIacono

Rachel Long

Cassandra Manjikian

Linda & Kelly Matzen

Maria Medina

Marni Merves

Paul Loring & Helen Meurer

Michael Meyer

Linda Mutch

Stephen Newcomb

Tara Stafford Ocansey

Juan Ollesca

Allison Philpott

Gabe Rissman

Marie Riviere

Kathleen Savolt

Margo Smith

Erin Steva

Freida Stoutenboro

Merrill Sugarman

Fen Yee Teh

Richard Theil

Patricia Theirl

Mark Thielking and Moira Trachtenberg

Edie Trimmer

Scott Urben

William Weisner

Emma Wood

Looking Ahead

2024 and beyond

As we forge ahead into the remaining months of ​2024, we are focused on increasing accessibility ​and inclusivity of our programs by offering more ​teacher incentives and flexible opportunities to ​engage. After our inaugural round of 38 ​microgrants in 2023, we are prepared to offer ​50+ microgrants to teachers in CELF’s 2024-25 ​school year cohort.

For the first time, CELF’s spring 2024 ​programming included three Student Symposium ​events—including in-person events in TX and NY, ​as well as a virtual event that engaged students ​from 4 US states and 2 additional countries.

This growth is made possible in part due to ​CELF’s spring 2024 announcement of a new ​three-year program funded by the EPA’s ​Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-​Solving initiative. This program will support CELF ​to support schools in Greater Houston that are ​directly impacted by environmental justice ​issues, in partnership with educators from Rice ​University’s Office of STEM Engagement and the ​Galveston Bay Foundation.

In preparation for the 2024-25 school year, ​CELF will also offer an array of summer ​programs to promote interdisciplinary, reflective ​approaches to student inquiry—including ​opportunities to craft personal

“eco narratives” to deepen understanding of our ​roles and relationships within our ecosystems, ​opportunities to cultivate partnerships and ​develop action plans support school zero-waste ​initiatives, and more!

As we seek to stay at the forefront of evolving ​best practices in our field, our educator team is ​also taking time in 2024 to deepen our own ​learning with a team retreat to Shelburne Farms ​in Summer 2024, generously supported by our ​new 2023 donor, TC Energy.

As we continue in our own cycle of learning, ​application, and reflection, we aim to unveil a ​refreshed version of our core Big Ideas of ​Sustainability framework by the end 2024, and ​look forward to sharing this work with our ​community of educators and community leaders ​in the years ahead.

We thank our supporters for all the ​ways you are working to co-create a ​more sustainable future, and for all the ​ways we’ll continue to do so, together.

Tara Stafford Ocansey

Executive Director

CELF Board

Evan Matzen


Maureen Brady Atinsky


Bill DAvis


Cassandra E. Clark

Board Member

Joanne L. Howard

Board Member

Alex T. Kreuger

Board Member

Daniel Metzger

Board Member

Dean Slocum

Board Member

David Stubbs

Board Member

Advisory ​Board

Katie Ginsberg*

Brian Shmaefsky, PhD

Phil Abelson*, JD

Patti Bressman*

Dr. Cynthia Coburn

Daniel Cott

Karina Funk, CFA

Janet Harckham*

Jon Jacobs, JD*

Riva Krut, PhD

Kim Larson*

Clare McMillan, MED

Beth Sauerhaft, PhD*

*Board Member Emeritus

Board & Staff as of JULY 2023

CELF Staff

Tara Stafford ​Ocansey

Executive Director

Adriana Castro

Educator & PD ​Facilitator, TExas

Victoria Garufi ​Loiacono

Director of ​Education

Pallavi Mehta, CFA

CHief Financial Officer

Rowena Capuno

Educator & PD Facilitator ​New York

Enrique lastrA

marketing & ​communications ​manager

Lisa Gianukos

Program Director


CELF Supporters

These organizations supported CELF programming in 2023


These orgs supported CELF programming in 2023